If you are one of those persons who has taken time to search for a writing service online then you can tell of the enormous challenge that the huge number of essay companies poses. This is because it is extremely hard to tell which among the large pool of companies is authentic and which one is not as all the sites there claim that it generates quality products. However, this is far from the truth as many people would testify how some of those essay writing companies conned them and took their money without providing the kind of quality services that they claim to offer. Students happen to be the biggest victims of the many ‘fake’ writing services often ending up with copied, low quality products that are laden with spelling and grammatical errors. Sham essay writing companies tend to thrive on the innocence of students because many students have no clue about recognizing an authentic writing service.
You aren't sure in your choice of the writer? Watch this video!
This is the gap that prompted us to set up 68scientifico.org where we employ a ‘consumer report’ strategy to address the current problem. In the reports that we generate and publish on this site, we seek to inform our audiences how different essay companies perform when it comes to meeting the most critical needs that students have in relation to pricing of writing services, meeting deadlines, quality end products, utility of final products and responsive customer support. We are a platform that seeks and accepts customer reviews from consumers of online writing services. Once the reviews get to us, we spend time evaluating it and rating Essay Company’s performance against the needs that students have. We use a pre-designed rating tool that enables us to do so. After establishing each company’s performance, we are able to rank the companies numerically with their performance as the basis for ranking so that companies that perform very well are featured at the top of the list.
As we send out requests for reviews, we seek to capture details that enrich our customer reports. We therefore encourage consumers who send us reviews to include specific details in their reviews that enable us to generate informative reports. The most critical information that we seek to capture has to do with essay companies’ policies of pricing and quality and how well those companies observe the policies as well as the rights that customers enjoy such as right to access accurate information, contact writer or receive progress reports. We also seek to know whether customers are able to view written work samples, results of plagiarism scans and access information about the credentials that writers hold. This is the information that we compile and include in the consumer reports that we compile from time to time.
Students are also welcome to use the resources that we avail below about the most authentic and trustworthy essay writing companies. We provide those below in the form of links to their websites and short videos that provide details about the operations of those writing companies.